Pois é as promoções já andaram a espreitar em varias lojas ao longo de Dezembro. E que bem que soube para quem comprou para oferecer ou para quem simplesmente quis aproveitar.
Por cá algumas das promoções que cá cantam e que poderei visitar.
Decénio até 60% desconto: https://decenio.com/webapp/index.php
A Blanco tem no site as promoções que vão tendo e algumas bem em conta: http://www.blanco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category3_10151_12551_149165_-6_Y_image_0______B#CategoryOnlyResultsDisplayView%3Fseleccionada%3D%26genre%3DB%26subcategoria%3DN%26pageView%3Dimage%26catalogId%3D12551%26top_category%3D149165%26parent_category_rn%3D149165%26beginIndex%3D0%26categoryId%3D149165%26categoryId%3D149165%26langId%3D-6%26storeId%3D10151%26productoSeleccionado%3D%26identifier%3D1356520239329
Massimo Dutti ate 50% desconto: http://www.massimodutti.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/home/duttipt/pt/30220001
Springfield ate 50% desconto: http://pt.spf.com/
Cortefiel ate 50% desconto: http://cortefiel.com/pt/
Lanidor ate 50% desconto: http://eshop.lanidor.com/default.aspx?idtipoidioma=0
Globe ate 50% desconto: http://www.2bstyle.net/Default.aspx?brand=7
Red Oak ate 50% desconto: http://www.r-oak.com/
Venca ate 60% desconto: http://www.venca.pt/
La redoute até 70% desconto: http://www.laredoute.pt/
Zilian até 50% desconto: http://zilian.com/loja-online/fall-winter-ate-50
Yeah, promotions already look by the windows at various stores throughout December. And who well knew that to offer to those who bought or who simply wanted to enjoy.
For here some of the promotions that sing here and I can visit.
Yeah, promotions already look by the windows at various stores throughout December. And who well knew that to offer to those who bought or who simply wanted to enjoy.
For here some of the promotions that sing here and I can visit.
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