Eu gosto de Natal pelo convívio com a família, pelos sentimentos mais nobres que surgem nesta época, pela azafama de tratar da ceia e por querer um pouco mais de fartura na mesa. No entanto também o espírito consumista entra a toda a força nas casas por esta altura. Por isso mesmo decidimos, de á uns anos para cá, que não haveria presente na minha casa o que se revelou uma boa decisão, não se gasta em coisas supérfluas só porque sim, não temos de perder tempo e paciência entre escolhas, pensar no que oferecer e tentar optar sempre pelo mais barato.Quando queremos oferecemos e pronto.
Mas o mais engraçado é que falo desta decisão a alguém as pessoas pensam logo que a minha casa não tem pessoas normais e que devem ser ressabiadas, ate já me perguntaram: Mas se não trocam presentes fazem o que? Eu disse: Fazemos muitas coisas, jantamos, vimos televisão, jogamos cartas, e outros jogos que temos e por incrível que pareça fartamos-nos de rir, não reparamos nas horas, se é meia noite ou não, e ate nos deitamos depois das 3 horas.
Pois é, o Natal é muito mais que presentes e não sentimos falta nenhuma. Confesso que fico um pouco aborrecida se recebo algum presente de alguém pois já sei que vou ter de oferecer a essa pessoa pois ela esta á espera disso. E também já recebi coisas que simplesmente não gostava e não tive coragem de trocar pois a pessoa achava que eu ia gostar que nem sequer pensou que alguma vez não era isso.
Também me faz confusão numa altura destas ainda haver famílias em que toda a gente dá um presente a cada criança, ou seja, se houver 7 tios cada criança recebe um presente d cada tio e é só somar. Mas eu penso, e porque não se juntarem todos e dar algo melhor a cada criança e só existiria um presente para cada mas que saberia pelo mundo.
As coisas não estão fáceis e quando houver pouco dinheiro e menos presentes o Natal não vai saber ao mesmo? Ou vai ser pior só por causa disso?
I like Christmas because of living with the family, the noblest sentiments that occur at this time, the bustle of treating supper and wanting a little more on the table. However also the consumerist spirit enters the houses in full force at this time. Therefore we decided that, by some years ago, not having presents in my home what proved to be a good decision, do not spend on unnecessary things just because yes, we do not have to waste time and patience between choices, think about what and always try to choose offer the most barato.Quando we offer and ready.
But the funny thing is that this decision speak to someone people think as soon as my house has no normal people and should be unlikly, until now asked me: But if you do not exchange gifts what do you do? I said: We do many things, had dinner, saw television, play cards and other games we laughing, do not notice the hours if it is mid-night or not, and until we went to bed after 3 hours.
Well, Christmas is more than gifts and not miss any. I confess I'm a bit annoyed if I get a gift from someone because I know that I have to offer that person because she is waiting that. And I even got things just did not like and I did not dare to change because the person thought I was going to like it even thought it was not ever.
It also makes me confused a time like this there are still families where everyone gives a gift to each child, or if seven uncles each child receives a gift d each uncle and just add. But I think, why not join and give everyone something better every single child and there would be a gift for each but that the world would know.
Things are not easy and when there is little money and fewer Christmas gifts will not know the same? Or will be worse just because of that?
I like Christmas because of living with the family, the noblest sentiments that occur at this time, the bustle of treating supper and wanting a little more on the table. However also the consumerist spirit enters the houses in full force at this time. Therefore we decided that, by some years ago, not having presents in my home what proved to be a good decision, do not spend on unnecessary things just because yes, we do not have to waste time and patience between choices, think about what and always try to choose offer the most barato.Quando we offer and ready.
But the funny thing is that this decision speak to someone people think as soon as my house has no normal people and should be unlikly, until now asked me: But if you do not exchange gifts what do you do? I said: We do many things, had dinner, saw television, play cards and other games we laughing, do not notice the hours if it is mid-night or not, and until we went to bed after 3 hours.
Well, Christmas is more than gifts and not miss any. I confess I'm a bit annoyed if I get a gift from someone because I know that I have to offer that person because she is waiting that. And I even got things just did not like and I did not dare to change because the person thought I was going to like it even thought it was not ever.
It also makes me confused a time like this there are still families where everyone gives a gift to each child, or if seven uncles each child receives a gift d each uncle and just add. But I think, why not join and give everyone something better every single child and there would be a gift for each but that the world would know.
Things are not easy and when there is little money and fewer Christmas gifts will not know the same? Or will be worse just because of that?
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